Dr. Kukali: “No consideration for the organization of the Islamic State of Iraq and the
Levant (ISIL) among the Palestinians”.
The key poll results are:
- (85.2%) of the Palestinians oppose ISIL, and (13.1%) support it.
- (93.2%) oppose the disarmament of the Palestinian resistance.
- (87.6%) support a long-term truce.
- (65.4%) are at various degrees content with the Egyptian mediation.
- (81.1%) rated the stance of the US-president Barack Obama as “negative”.
To download the entire poll, in English, in Arabic
Subject: URGENT – typo in the question about: The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL)
Dear Madam / Dear Sir
We need to note that we had the following typo when the poll was published today morning: It should be 13.1% instead of 31.1% who said “I support” The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). As follows:
The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL)
With respect to the question:” Do you support or oppose, in general, the organization of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL)”, (13.1%) said “I support”, (85.2%) “I oppose” and (1.7%) said “I don’t know”.